
I took this trip in order to ask questions. I asked the same questions from everyone. At the same time I also allowed each interview to take its natural course. I got better and better at this as the work proceeded.

Asking questions – assuming that you have a genuine interest in hearing the answer – can open up space. But since, for technical reasons, the setting was quite intimidating for the interviewee, I also figured out something else. I learned that in order to have people in front of the camera to really be/show themselves, I need to be/show myself. By being vulnerable and letting go of the need to control the situation I feel that I was often able to create a genuine connection. And that’s vital since the aim of my work is to provide you the opportunity to connect with them as well.

My standard questions, and the ones I’ll be using in the video installation, were/are:

1. How did you end up in/find your way to this community?
2. What is your main reason for being here now?
3. In what kind of moments do you really love being a member of this community?
4. Have you ever thought of leaving the community?
5. What is the core essence/strength of this community?
6. How do you see the future of this community?