Threefold Center


Location: Chestnut Ridge NY, semi-rural + farmland
Community type/ideology: Antroposophic,
Founded: 1926 by Threefold Group
Resident members: 200-300
Owned by: Threefold Educational Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
Daily practice: Various
Buildings: MANY – Green Meadow Waldorf School (400 students, grades K-12), the Pfeiffer Center (environmental education, biodynamic agriculture, and organic beekeeping), Eurythmy Spring Valley (movement art), Sunbridge Institute (Waldorf teacher education and adult anthroposophical studies), the Otto Specht School (Waldorf education for children with learning differences), the Fiber Craft Studio (healing senses and soul through work with plants and natural fibers), the Fellowship Community (home for the aged), and the Hungry Hollow Co-op Natural Foods Market. Fifty residences for staff, students and faculty; Holder House, the Threefold Community dormitory
Meals: Some shared, common dinner most nights in one of the houses, organic/local and vegan. Food share system for basic food staples.
System: Many people work full-time, get housing + small salary. Some people living outside of the centre and coming to work. Interns work for room and board. Guests pay $60 per day for room.
Financing: School fees, guest fees, Pfeiffer centre sales etc.