Ananda Ashram


Location: Monroe NY, rural with forest and a lake
Community type/ideology: Yoga retreat and spiritual-educational center
Founded: 1964 by Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati
Resident members: about 20, voting members about 100
Owned by: Yoga Society of New York
Daily practice:Yoga, sanskrit, chanting, Indian dances
Buildings: Main building with classrooms, meditation halls and guest accommodation, Lake House with kitchen and dining hall, yoga studio, guest accommodation, Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati memorial shrine, renovated barn with concert hall, shop and guest accommodation, small huts in the forest for members
Meals: shared, vegetarian/vegan
System: Members work at least 35 hours per week (6 days) for room and board – stipends available, visitors pay for their stay ($480 per week or $240 per week for volunteers, dorm accommodation)
Financing: Guest fees, donations (not many)